Salut si bine te-am gasit pe tutoriale video, astazi am sa va arat cum se instaleaza navigon 4.9.0 2013, am primit aceasta versiune de la un utilizator al websitului nostru si am zis sa vil prezint si voua vine cu destul de multe lucruri noi fata de versiunea pe care am prezentato eu intainte adica 4.5.0 acel tutorial il puteti vedea aici
Mai jos va postez cate modificari in versiunea navigon 4.9.0
Features and range of functions ***
+ Google Street View – destination preview (where available)
+ Lane assistant / Active Lane assistant (requires android 2.2 or higher)
+ Bluetooth support (requires android 2.2 or higher)
+ NAVION Latest Map Guarantee (new customers receive the most up-to-date map when purchasing the app)
+ Google Local Search
+ Foursquare log-in at destination
+ Glympse: Send your position information to selected users
+ Safety Cameras (permanently installed cameras)
+ Reality View Pro
+ Speed Assistant
+ NAVIGON Reality Scanner
+ NAVIGON MyRoutes
+ Text-to-Speech and precise spoken announcements
+ Different English accents
+ Extended Pedestrian Navigation
+ Destination entry with coordinates
+ 2D and 3D map displays
+ Last Mile – can save automatically your car’s position and switches to pedestrian- resp.public transport mode* for walking of the last mile. *Public transport mode is available only when in-app “Urban guidance” has been purchased
+ NAVTEQ map material for 44 countries of Europe
Darie cristi ..vreau te rog frumos versiunea 4.9.0 ptr samsung grand neo
salut si La multi ani! Am solicitat anterior un link pentru instalare Navigon pe Android-telefon Samsung. Adresa de mail activa este: sau Multumesc…